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Les 4 Temps du Management

Anthropologie (230)

" The North : Utilitarian conscience of the South ? (A parallel between science, technology and society) "

Résumé :

" The North : Utilitarian conscience of the South ? (A parallel between science, technology and society) "- Un article publié dans Social Science in the North. Communicating Northern Values, pp. 25-39. Ottawa : Association universitaire canadienne d'études nordiques. Publication occasionnelle, no 9, 1984, 83 pp.

The conditions of northern research have changed considerably over the last twenty years or so. In the 1970s particularly, institutional factors came into play which modified and affected the context and the later evolution of research in the human sciences. At the same time, a fruitful interaction was going on between researchers and representatives of native peoples, as both groups were concerned with analyzing events in the light of political considerations. During the same period there emerged institutions which created needed links between the state and northern societies. For example, in Quebec, organizations such as Makivik Corporation, the Grand Council of the Cree, and Le Conseil Attikamek-Montagnais - whose headquarters are located outside the North - consecrate, in varying degrees, a new bureaucratic phenomenon. All of this accounts for a metamorphosis which has irrevocably altered the relationships between the native peoples and the state ; it has also created the conditions for the emergence of a new political force which cannot be ignored.

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