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Anthropologie (230)

" Social values and population structure : phenotype and genealogies in La Désirade (West Indies) "

Résumé :

" Social values and population structure : phenotype and genealogies in La Désirade (West Indies) " - Un article publié dans la revue International Journal Of Anthropology , Vol. 4, no 1-2, 1989, pp. 103-111.

In a small population (La Désirade, West Indies) with few internal socio-economic differences, the " white " segment survive on the basis of long-term assortative mating. This study compares the genealogies for one hundred and forty years, with phenotypical markers used in the population to define " racial " identity of individuals. Physical appearance, acting as an isolated factor, is able to maintain endogamy and to ensure the survival of a segment of the population without any black admixture. The social values do not produce the same effect among people of African origin. Genetic structure reflects these values and the genealogical pattern is able to assert their impact on the mating pattern.

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